Australia is blessed with little pollution, clean air and vasts amounts of vegetation. This makes Australia an ideal location to produce the best quality propolis as bees can pollinate in a perfect environment.

Propolis production in Australia is very strict. It is one of the few countries that testsfor heavy metals making Australian propolis an exceptional quality compared to the rest of the world.

Propolis is collected from wild bees and from plant resins on the trunk. It has a natural earthy aroma and has been used for many years to treat and prevent diseases. Many clinical studies are conducted to understand more about this liquid gold.


History of Propolis

Propolis has been used for many thousands of years before it was discovered in modern medicine. Here is some history of Propolis that takes us back some 3000 years ago.

As early as 3000 years ago, ancient Egyptians used Propolis to cure diseases common in those times.

An Ancient Greek historian known as Harold Benitez had written about the benefits he saw in people using propolis for skin and wound diseases.

In 75AD, a Roman encyclopedia called “Natural History” had written about the benefits of using Propolis in stopping neuralgia and removing foreign substances from the body. 

In the 11th century, an Iranian philosopher Avicenna Abbey wrote about the use of Propolis in relieving pain.

In the 15th century, Peruvians used Propolis for the treatment of infectious diseases in the tropical country.

The Indians used Propolis to treat sexually transmitted diseases.

The Pacific Islanders used Propolis to treat abdominal pain.

In 1899-1902, during a war in South Africa, doctors would perform surgery using a mixture of Vaseline and Propolis.

In 1909 Alexander Rove published a journal paper describing Propolis as a drug.

In the Second World War, Soviet Unions used Propolis widely in the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

Thus Propolis has been long recognised for it’s medicinal use. With the development of science and research, we have now been able to understand the true properties of Propolis.

How Propolis Works

Propolis is rich in flavonoids which is an important source of antioxidants. Studies have shown that Propolis contains a unique bioactive ingredient which acts as an antibacterial making it ideal for the treatment of cuts, wounds, common colds and flu, gastric ulcers, mouth ulcers and many other ailments. Studies are being conducted as promising results are seen for the use of Propolis in the treatment of tumors.

Rich flavonoids in Propolis assists in physical fitness, hypertension, liver diseases as it scavenges for free radicals in the body.

Propolis also contains a variety of amino acids, vitamins, trace elements that can enhance the immune system ideal for those living a busy work life and stress.

In addition, Propolis has been used as a whitening agent for the skin for many years dating back to the ancient Greeks.

Goodcombo Propolis

Goodcombo Propolis products are made and sourced from local ingredients in Australia. The taste and quality is exceptional with high nutritional value. Goodcombo Propolis comes in 500mg, 1000mg and 2000mg tablets. Higher concentrations are suitable for those suffering with diabetes and physical weakness.

Goodcombo Propolis also comes handy in a liquid form. 5-10 drops per day can be used to relieve the symptoms of cold and flu such as sore throat or headache. It can also be used topically to treat minor scratches and wounds.

Mix and Match

  1. Propolis + Omega 3 + Lecithin for the prevention of heart diseases and hypertension.
  2. Propolis + Placenta + Grape Seed + Squalene to increase cell renewal of the skin, reduce wrinkles, increase skin elasticity and firmness and also enhance the immune system. 

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