In 1970, Dr Ma Sikui from the University of Bordeaux in France successfully extracted pure proanthocyanidins (POC) from Grape seeds. Research shows that POC is found naturally in the body and is most effective as a powerful antioxidant. It has a marked effect in delaying aging of the skin which became quickly popular in the United States and Japan. POC is also a melanin inhibitor therefore also used as a whitening agent for the skin. Noticeble result is seen when taken continuously for 6 months. Patients have reported looking 8-10 years younger after adding grape seed as a supplement.

How Grape Seed Works

Grape seed proanthocyanidins (POC) is a natural antioxidant. It is 20 times more effective as an antioxidant compared to Vitamin C and 50 times more effective as an antioxidant compared to Vitamin E. It is the only antioxidant that passes through the blood brain barrier thereby eliminating free radicals throughout the body system. It plays a role to enhance immunity, slows the aging process, reduces pigmentation and helps restore UV damaged skin.

In addition to strengthening the collagen of the skin, Proanthocyanidins reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, reduces symptoms of varicose veins and alleviates allergy symptoms.

Goodcombo grape seed is highly concentrated made with the pure Australian raw ingredients. It is made using the finest technology and under strict quality control.

Mix and Match

Grape seed + Royal Jelly + Vitamin C to whiten skin, improve skin elasticity, firmer skin, reduces hyperpigmentation and provides optimum nutrients to the skin.
Grape Seed + Omega 3 + Squalene to assist improve and prevent cardiovascular disorders, improve skin elasticity and firmness
Grape Seed + Vitamin C + Propolis to improve immune system, prevents and treats cold and flu symptoms and improve overall well being.

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