Alcohol consumption in Australia is high as it is very much part of the culture of Australian. Yet, liver disease is not a common problem Australians experience. It makes us wonder how we Australians can sustain a lifestyle like this without much harm to our liver. Perhaps we have discovered natural remedies such as milk thistle to help us along the way. Even our $5 note has a milk thistle plant printed onit. Maybe we know something that the rest of the world is yet to find out!

We all do this at some point in our lives, social drinking, stay up late at night or work under pressure. All of these elements may slowly deteriorate the function of our liver.  Let’s explore how the active ingredient of milk thistle was discovered and how it works to restore liver function.

History of Milk Thistle

Milk thistle has been used for centuries. In the 1960s, a group of scientists discovered that the study group of Aboriginals in Australia possessed antigenic material which was protective to their liver. Test findings from this group found that aboriginals consumed milk thistle regularly from their diet.

In addition, milk thistle is often used as a hangover remedy in countries like Europe and UK.

How milk thistle works

The main active ingredient in milk thistle is silymarin. There are 3 beneficial effects to this active ingredient:

  1. It protects liver cells – Silymarin is a powerful antioxidant. A german study confirmed that silymarin promotes the secretion of gluthathione (GSH) in the body which assists in the antioxidative effects.
  2. Silymarin binds to liver cells which assists in removing wastes and toxic substances.
  3. Silymarin helps repair and regenerate liver cells.

More studies are being conducted by scientists to understand the effects of milk thistle. Early stages in research have found that silymarin may inhibit cancer cell proliferation.

Goodcombo has launched a high concentration milk thistle. Goodcombo milk thistle is manufactured in Australia. Each capsule is packed with a concentrated dose of milk thistle which may assists in liver regeneration, improve liver vitality and restores damaged cells caused by alcohol consumption. Milk thistle is a powerful antioxidant that promoted healthy liver function.

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