
Sean Wen


Alcohol consumption in Australia is high as it is very much part of the culture of Australian. Yet, liver disease is not a common problem Australians experience. It makes us wonder how we Australians can sustain a lifestyle like this without much harm to our liver. Perhaps we have discovered natural remedies such as milk thistle to help us along the way. Even our $5 note has a milk thistle plant printed onit. Maybe we know something that the rest of the world is yet to find out! We all do this at some point in our lives, social drinking,...

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Sean Wen


American author Ernest Hemingway use to take a spoonful of cod liver oil daily to prevent him from getting sick. What he didn’t realise back then is that it was Squalene that was helping him. What is Squalene The credit for discovery of Squalene was given to Dr. Mitsumaru Tsujimoto, a chemist on oils and fats at the Tokyo Industrial Testing Station who reported in 1906 that certain shark liver oils contain a highly unsaturated hydrocarbon and is rich in energy. The sharks belong to the family squalidae and the compound was named squalene. How does Squalene work Squalene contains...

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Sean Wen


In 1970, Dr Ma Sikui from the University of Bordeaux in France successfully extracted pure proanthocyanidins (POC) from Grape seeds. Research shows that POC is found naturally in the body and is most effective as a powerful antioxidant. It has a marked effect in delaying aging of the skin which became quickly popular in the United States and Japan. POC is also a melanin inhibitor therefore also used as a whitening agent for the skin. Noticeble result is seen when taken continuously for 6 months. Patients have reported looking 8-10 years younger after adding grape seed as a supplement. How...

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Sean Wen


Australia is blessed with little pollution, clean air and vasts amounts of vegetation. This makes Australia an ideal location to produce the best quality propolis as bees can pollinate in a perfect environment. Propolis production in Australia is very strict. It is one of the few countries that testsfor heavy metals making Australian propolis an exceptional quality compared to the rest of the world. Propolis is collected from wild bees and from plant resins on the trunk. It has a natural earthy aroma and has been used for many years to treat and prevent diseases. Many clinical studies are conducted...

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